Health & Safety

Here at Tech Dec health & safety is crucial and every project is checked and vetted following health & safety guidelines.

Newly painted office building

Our Health & Safety is overseen by an external team, qualified to the NEBOSH Certificate  in Construction.

Our site teams are then supervised by SMSTS/SSSTS certified supervisors with all operatives having a minimum of CSCS card qualification.

We also have trained staff in IPAF and PASMA to ensure that each and every project can be catered for in a safe manner.

We also have trained staff in IPAF and PASMA to ensure that each and every project can be catered for in a safe manner.

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tech dec logo

Health and Safety at Work legislation imposes a statutory duty on employers to ensure the health and safety of their employees whilst at work. This also extends to others who may be affected by that work.

We will, so far as is reasonably practicable, ensure that:

We also have trained staff in IPAF and PASMA to ensure that each and every project can be catered for in a safe manner.

  • Adequate resources are provided to ensure that proper provisions can be made for health & safety.
  • Risk assessments are carried out and periodically reviewed.
  • Arrangements for use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances, for us at work, are safe and without risks to health.
  • All employees are provided with such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to secure their safety and health at work and the safety of other who may be affected by their actions.
  • The provision and maintenance of all plant, machinery and equipment is safe and without risk to health.
  • Adequate resources are provided to ensure suitable cover for work-related road safety.
  • The place of work is safe and that there is safe access to and egress from the workplace. Emergency procedures are covered on site via toolbox talks conducted by the main contractor/site supervisors.
  • Activity monitoring is undertaken to maintain agreed standards.
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